Core Python Programming
Develop your programming skills with Core Python.
100% Practical Tranings
Personal Attention
Limited batch size
100% Job Assistance
- Our curriculum is tailored to meet the needs of the industry.
- Trained by professionals with renown in the industry.
- Curriculum in accordance with international standards and rules.
- We offer the newest technology in a fully furnished lab.
- Complete Placement Support.
- Behavioral session for interview preparation focusing on soft skills.
- Cherry on the cake for this course, you will be required to work on one real project to experience the real corporate working atmosphere.
- There is no prerequisite knowledge of Core Python Programming. Learning programming only requires passion, enthusiasm, and dedication.Since every piece of software offered is free, there’s no need to purchase any.
- A computer engineering degree is not required, however it does facilitate learning Core Python Programming more quickly.
- To obtain the necessary skills, you can enroll in ZestGeek Academy’s Core Python Programming course and earn a certification in web development.
- Obtaining a well-paying job will require you to showcase your skills through an impressive portfolio.
Month 1
History , features & area of application of Python Programming language
Identifiers & keywords
Commonly used built-in types
Operators – precedence & associativity
Indentation & comments
Commonly used built in functions – print(), input(), int(), float(), divmod()
Introduction to IDLE – Interactive & Script mode
Control flow statements
Simple for loops in python
For loop using ranges, string, list and dictionaries
Use of while loops in python
Loop manipulation using pass, continue, break and else
if statement
Programming exercises
User defined & Built-in -Functions
Powerful Lambda function in python
Modules & Packages
Programming Exercises
File Handling
Reading and writing text files
Methods of file objects
Using with keyword when using file objects
Manipulating file pointer using seek
Month 2
SQL Database – Mariadb
Mariadb python connectivity
Introduction to HTML 5
HTML head, title, meta & body tag
HTML attributes and values