Frontend Development with React.js
Build your career with Frontend Development with React.js
Projects that you are going to design!
Notes Application
Create and keep all digital notes and crucial data, typically on a cloud-based storage system.Weather Application
using advanced technology and science build app to forecast atmospheric conditions for a certain place and time.Crypto Currency Application
Password Generator Chat Application Photo Gallery Application E-commerce ApplicationVirtual Keyboard
By clicking on keys, users may interact with the virtual keyboard and have a fluid typing experience as the interface responds accordingly.UNIQUENESS OF THE COURSE
100% Practical Traning
Personal Attention
Limited batch size
100% Job Assistance
- Our curriculum is tailored to meet the needs of the industry.
- Trained by professionals with renown in the industry.
- Curriculum in accordance with international standards and rules.
- We offer the newest technology in a fully furnished lab.
- Complete Placement Support.
- Behavioral session for interview preparation focusing on soft skills.
- Cherry on the cake for this course, you will be required to work on one real project to experience the real corporate working atmosphere.
- There is no prerequisite knowledge of Frontend Development with React.js development. Learning programming only requires passion, enthusiasm, and dedication.Since every piece of software offered is free, there’s no need to purchase any.
- A computer engineering degree is not required, however it does facilitate learning Frontend Development with React.js development more quickly.
- To obtain the necessary skills, you can enroll in ZestGeek Academy’s Front End Development with React.js development course and earn a certification in web development.
- Obtaining a well-paying job will require you to showcase your skills through an impressive portfolio.
Month 1
Introduction to HTML 4 and 5
HTML head , title and body tag
HTML attribute and values
Meta tag
Heading tags
Absolute and Relative URL
Linking in HTML
Adding images
Marquee tag
Lists , tables , forms
How to use div, p
Favicons in html
HTML5 new tags with attributes
Class and id
CSS Colour
CSS Box Model
CSS Borders
CSS Animation
CSS -Blocks
Pseudo elements and classes
Gradients, shadow
Responsive website designing using media query
Flex and grids
Month 2
Basics of Programming in JavaScript
Hello world program
Declare variable using var, let and const
Math, logical and Comparison Operators
Miscellaneous operators – typeof,
conditional operator
Truthy and Falsy Values
If statement, switch case
Functions in JavaScripts
Functions Declaration
Functions Expression
Arrow Functions
Default Parameters
Rest Parameters
Higher order functions – overview